Inside Raisely

B Corp Month: Celebrating Business for a Better World

At Raisely, we are passionate about all things significant and sustainable, which is why we celebrate B Corp Month. Join Tom, Katrina and Luke as they unpack: what a B Corp is, why Raisely joined in and how your business can too!

Do you believe in prioritising people and planet? We do too.

B Corp Month is a global opportunity to celebrate businesses that are raising the bar for positive change. Building awareness, sharing achievements and cheering each other on, it’s a time to champion prioritising people and planet.

This year’s theme is ‘Better Business’ - encouraging all businesses to do better.

Keen to join the party? Our Raisely family are here to share the B Corp essentials.

Join Tom, Katrina and Luke as they unpack: what a B Corp is, why Raisely joined in and how your business can too!

What is B Corp?

B Corp is a community that works to build a better world.

Founded by B Lab, they are a group of businesses who put purpose and social good before profits.

“Even right back to the roots of the word "company"… businesses are about people!” says Tom, our co-founder. “When we lose sight of people and focus purely on profit, that’s when businesses go off track.”

“Being a B Corp business means giving back more than you receive.”

Good people doing good work, there are 3,500+ Certified B Corporations in 70+ countries. To join B Corp, businesses prove their performance in 5 categories.

🦸‍♂️ Workers

🙋🏼‍♀️ Customers

🤝 Suppliers

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Communities

🏡 Environments

Why is being a B Corp important?

Many people talk about ‘purpose’, but not all prove it with practice.

Under B Corp’s banner, you have to put your money where your mouth is.

To become #BCorpCertified, businesses are assessed by B Lab. Requiring a minimum score of 80/200 to certify, B Corp acts as an accountability-buddy for businesses, ensuring they talk the talk and walk the walk.

“Business is presently one of the greatest tools for preserving the planet, protecting people and creating positive social change,”

As Raisley’s Finance Manager, she understands how B Corp encourages us to strive for more. “As businesses combine their power in the marketplace with flexibility not often seen in governments, we can be a powerhouse for much-needed change.”

With B Corp, we can understand and assess our business – examining our practice, performance and positive impact.

They give us a high standard to aspire to, and a clear code to live by.

(Want to see our score? Check out our B Impact Report.)

What does Better Business mean at Raisely?

We do our best to make a difference.

Passionate about positive change, Raisely always puts purpose first.

In other words: we strive to be a better business.

Our mission was, and will always be, to improve the wellbeing of people and planet.

“With our common goal, being a better business means having open and honest conversations about what we could be improving,” says Luke, our Lead Designer.

“It’s not about being perceived as 'better than'; It’s about constantly striving to do better - and better ourselves in the process.”

How can I be a B Corp?

A brighter future starts with you.

Like Tom, one of our founders, we believe that every business has a role to play.

“A business should be an active citizen, a vehicle that takes us towards a better world,” says Tom. “A business should put people first, should protect our planet, and should foster an economy that is fair and just.”

Together, we can act to have impact.

“I'm incredibly proud that Raisely is part of this movement, and I think every business should follow.”

To join us in the journey and partner with B Corp, you can:

- Ponder your purpose - ‘What could it mean to be a better business?’

- Size up your standards - Can we say we’re prioritising people and planet Why?’

- Inspect your impact - ‘Can we prove positive impact? What more can we do?’

- Buddy-up your business - ‘How can we champion others and collaborate with meaning?

Dive in deeper – and make a real difference – by becoming B Corp certified. To find out more about the process, visit their certification page today.

Georgie Moore
Georgie Moore
Sydney, Australia

Content Marketing Manager at Raisely, Georgie she leads content strategy to drive engagement, growth, and brand awareness for nonprofits using Raisely's fundraising platform.

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