Inside Raisely

Raisely and COVID-19

Raisely is an online fundraising platform for ambitious charities across the world. We empower thousands of charities across the world to take control of their revenue and improve the wellbeing of people and our planet.

As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly escalates, we're entering uncertain times for fundraising. I know there are very real impacts on fundraising campaigns, particularly physical events.

But right now, charities need money more than ever. Both to support those most vulnerable now, and to ensure our sector remains strong after the pandemic is over.

I want to let you know what Raisely is doing in response, and how we can help your campaigns.

Firstly, Raisely is well-positioned to continue to provide support during lockdowns. We're already a remote team, predominantly working from home. Our key suppliers (ie. hosting) have all shared business continuity plans we have confidence in. We're around to help as normal.

Secondly, we're here to help fundraising campaigns adapt. We can help to convert physical events to virtual ones, with individual distance/fitness tracking or other mechanisms that work during social distancing.

Plus, we're planning to add an additional template pre-built for virtual challenges by the end of the week. It'll make creating a new virtual challenge (fitness, walking, etc) easy.

Lastly, we want to help. If there's technology or functionality you need to support your fundraising during COVID-19 – please let us know!

We're on hand to prioritise things that'll help everyone during this time. In solidarity, Tom + the whole Raisely team

Tom Maitland
Tom Maitland
Melbourne, Australia

CEO/Co-founder at Raisely

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