Raisely’s peer-to-peer framework

Planning a peer-to-peer campaign this year, but don't know where to start?

Or maybe you are looking for a re-fresh so you can stand out from the crowd?

We know how important it is to equip your supporters with the tools they need to amplify your mission. From ideation to launch, we're here to help you, help your community fundraise for you!

Join us as we walk-through our very own framework to help you plan your next peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.

Areas you’ll get insight in

  • Peer-to-peer fundraising insights and data
  • Raisely's P2P framework and strategies
  • Customer roundtable to discuss P2P best practices
  • Live Q+A with all fundraising experts

Plan your next peer-to-peer campaign with Raisely

Join Raisely's Customer Success Manager, Helga and special guests from UNICEF Australia and FareShare to chat all things peer-to-peer.”

Georgie Moore
Georgie Moore
Sydney, Australia

Content Marketing Manager at Raisely, Georgie she leads content strategy to drive engagement, growth, and brand awareness for nonprofits using Raisely's fundraising platform.